All New Rifai Coffee Capsules ☕

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Chickpeas MixChickpeas Mix
Chickpeas Mix
From £6
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Pesto CashewPesto Cashew
Pesto Cashew
From £13
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Dark Chocolate HazelnutsDark Chocolate Hazelnuts
Dark Chocolate AlmondsDark Chocolate Almonds
Snack MixSnack Mix
Snack Mix
From £7
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Pistachios GlazedPistachios Glazed
Pistachios Glazed
From £14.50
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Pistachio Kharouf LemonPistachio Kharouf Lemon
Raw MacadamiasRaw Macadamias
Raw Macadamias
From £16.50
Macadamias CheeseMacadamias Cheese
Macadamias Cheese
From £18.75
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Raw Pine KernelsRaw Pine Kernels
Raw Pine Kernels
From £28.75
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Peanut KrikriPeanut Krikri
Peanut Krikri
From £6

Delicious Malban & Nougat 🍬

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Malban ExtraMalban Extra
Malban Extra
Malban MixMalban Mix
Malban Mix
From £17.75
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Malban Round DustedMalban Round Dusted
Malban with Apricot & PistachiosMalban with Apricot & Pistachios
Man Wa SalwaMan Wa Salwa
Man Wa Salwa
From £20
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